BRYAN CARMODY_2015 Composite Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


This is a composite of the various styles and ranges I can deliver primarily in the TV/Radio commercial sector. I have work samples that I can provide from spots on request

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
insurance isn't about you, it's about them. Liberty Mutual. The Tesla model s p 85 d so advanced it actually has a button marked insane. Press it now and you go from 0 to 60 before I can even finish the sentence. The secret to painting a dining room is simple. She picks the color you picked the paint. New Benjamin Moore overcoat. It's primer and paint one. Now that's Peri Winkle. Happy wife. Happy life. Just a reminder when you play with making golf can plainly acquitted poker Poker is a man's game played by men. So the homis better be Sabra Spackle, spackle, Spackle In just tackled the spackle of all speckles is dab spackle, spackler shoes, spackle spackle with death spackle Uh, this is your captain speaking. Were 34th in line for takeoff. So, yes, Amtrak would have got you to Milwaukee Faster. As the father of a girl child, you quickly learn tea party etiquette, Barbies, fashion do's and don't since and what a fairy princess prefers on her toast. Theo nly number you really need to know is 1 800 flowers. Trust me, I told the kids, You do the work on I'll pay for the college you want. Who knew? They listen happily, my guy, that Morgan Stanley knew People think Iowa is just one big cornfield. Well, they're wrong way. Have soybeans to I don't want a craft beer made one bottle at a time only on Tuesdays. No beers with silly names or som bees on the label. I don't want a beer made from Flax Seed Keen Wah or Eye of Newt. I want a beer. I want a But my husband loves a snowblower. It's a Taurel. Magna, 10 15 When we moved from Chicago to San Diego, he kept it. It's a ball magnet. 10 15. I'd like a happy meal and wipe that smile off your face.