Scott William - Quick Celebrity Impressions


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, this is Joanie. Dip a shoutout, man. Jeff Bridges here. This is, uh, Harrison Ford. Hi, I'm Daniel Radcliffe. Homer Simpson. What did I do wrong? Have This is George W. Bush. Uh, Bill Clinton. Hello. My name is Barack Obama. Mrs. Round Reagan, This is George Bush senior. Wow. He'll Hauser's in this mix too. Well, um, Kermit the frog have Is's diamond David Lee Roth here. Rocking socking robot talking. What's up? Tired? Sti j Miller. It's Barney the dinosaur. This is Christophe. Are Lloyd great? Scott? Doc, that's heavy. No, I don't like to introduce myself. Hi, everyone. Pee wee Herman here. My name is Michael Caine. Actor. Hello, This is Johnny Carson. You could just call me Rosie O's Borneman will have heiresses Elvis. L've especially Leonard Nimoy live long and prosper Today. This is Steve Bushemi. Well, you can just call me Jack Nicholson. They call me Liam Neeson ****. They call me Jason State. Um Hey, what's up? This is Jack Black. Hey, this is Dr Phil. We got a lot of voices going on here. This is Robert De Niro. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Hello, Back friends. Adam West. Here Christopher Walken. Nobody does impressions of me. Uh, Heath Ledger. Uh, well, the Joker. Oh, hey, Robin Williams. No, no, no, no. E x Image and my name. Izabal. Rhett Orchid. I Orme Steve. You and the croc contact. Oh, my friends. Couple droopy dog. For your information, they call May the n Perera. Patrick Warburton. Yeah. You're looking good. Uh, like, this is butthead and like peanuts, too.