New Zealand English & Maori pronunciation, documentary read

Profile photo for Toby Ricketts
Talent Online


A small excerpt from a NZ feature documentary, 'Waters of the Greenstone', from Resonate films. Includes some Maori sentences with correct pronunciation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
phone from the womb of the earth Mother Baba do a new coat. A great mountain range rises high towards the Rome's of Rana Newey sky Father These mountains became known as cat territorio Demo Onna a mirage in the great frothing waters of the ocean, a place of great or and spiritual presence of formidable barrier between East and west. Ahmadi proverb states Mamiya, who are home along a day day. If I should bow my head, let it be to our high mountain. It is said Great Danny Far. Oh Timmy fell in love with a woman named Wai Tiki, but she was married to another. So he stole her away and fled the length of the island pursued by her husband Tomorrow, afraid of being caught, botany transformed. Why Tiki into opponent Precious greens?