Trailmakers Demo




Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it began with the drought. Then the rain storms came, and after that the intense heat. Only then it became clear to everyone the climate had spun out of control. Earth was no longer suited for human kind. Some gave up. Some started praying, some set out to save the world. The U. N have now started a relocation program. The plan is defined. New, habitable planets for humankind Future generations. Scientists have found a number of candidates resembling Earth, but they are all too dangerous in their current state. Some radioactive, others flooded have extreme weather, rough terrain or vicious alien life forms. Anybody brave or insane enough to travel across the universe are enrolled as trail makers. Their job is to do the on ground investigation and prepare them for human presence. They're only equipment is the maker tool amazing pocket size three d printer, enabling the trail makers to build things out of what they may find on their journey. The only thing separating a trail maker from being a footnote on a death list and the hero that saved humankind is creativity. There are two options. Success or death, Like Darwin's said, it is not the strongest of the species that survive