Bryan Kopta - GLOBAL DETROIT - Middle Eastern, Iraqi, Father, Inspirational

Profile photo for Bryan Kopta
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Middle Eastern, Iraqi, Poetic, Narration, Authentic, Friendly, Lyrical, Conversational, Genuine, Believable, Professional, Confident, Generation X, Moving, Inspiring, Introspective, Inspirational, Velvety, Storyteller, Aspiring Artist, Inquisitive, Approachable, Personable, Migrant, Immigrant, Father

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Afghan Arabic (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
After the rescued us, I was able to call my brother when he came to get me in Iraq. He told me that my wife and Children were living in Colorado as refugees, so I went to Turkey where I could apply to join them. But I had to wait. Two years finally arrived at the airport in Colorado. I was reunited with my family hooking. I started looking for work right away, but the only job I could find was a dishwasher. I heard there was a large Arab American community, so I flew to Detroit. One day I overheard that the computer store was for sale. Here was my opportunity for a new life. Didn't have money. Then I heard about Access the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services. They gave me a $3000 long and introduced me to global too trite, which helps immigrants grow the economy. Today I work in my computer store. My wife and Children are here way. Have a gone and home. I don't want to think about the past. I just look to our future