Radio Ad


Coke ad by R. John

This clip can best be described as: cheeky , sarcastic , smooth , biting , announcer , Gen X , mature , reporter , advertisement , sales , happy go lucky , witty , compelling , humorous , detective , presumptuous , forward , pert , brazen , amusing , entertaining , comical , lighthearted , whimsical , wry , investigator , investigative , researcher

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Austrian German


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
today, Elton discovered many things. He discovered that his favorite beverages come in his favorite flavor. Cherry like Dasani, Cherry, Fanta, Cherry, Coke, zero Cherry and Diet Coke Cherry at the Coca Cola Freestyle Machine. He also discovered the baby picky shared of himself for throwback. Thursday turned him into a mean and he might just break the Internet. Enjoy your newfound fame. Sipping on a refreshing Fanta cherry with 100 plus beverage choices to discover you can choose what's right for you. Coca Cola Freestyle, choose freely.