Dialects/Characters from History Channel's \"The Color of War: Homefront\"



Excerpts from The History Channel's \"The Color of War: Homefront\"--Jen played four different v/o characters , all with different dialects ( Texas , Scottish , British , and German ). Narrated by Peter Coyote.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) German North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
darlin, you are now the husband of a career woman. Just call me your little shipyard, babe. Open my little checking account to It's a glorious feeling to lie, to check all your own and not to have to ask for one. And you I'm going to start socking it in Saving cells will have something when our sweet daddy comes home. We have a couple living alone when we got our little evacuees. We always wanted Children and it's been our life, Salo, that they were denied us. No home is alive for the first time. Thank God for our little evacuees. So many nice lads. We made dates we could never possibly keep and had the time of our lives. Never expecting the war could be such fun. There was no question of settling down with anyone. We re cut our mothers dance dresses or as much makeup as we could and loved every minute of it. Horrifying explosions and vibrations shook us on. The earth began to stay, have a basic noise, by the way, a chain explosions and it's some of the people in the shelter pushed outside main Julie idea to follow. Everything changed well one street of houses have stood Seven Out Hates and Weeks and Babu, the school yard that he played a day before was nine.