New Zealand Accent Corporate Read. Graceful, gravitas, and maori pronunciation.

Video Narration


A video produced for AgResearch for internet distribution. Corporate New Zealand read with a pinch of Maori storyteller vibe. Āta mātai, mātai whetū

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Otero. New Zealand has always been a land that's provided for its people a land of abundance and opportunity at AG research. We know that embracing Keita Jackie Donna will see this continue for future generations. The work we do is transforming the way we farm and how we care for our animals and our man. We work hard to create the world's most sought after food and bio based products through smart, sustainable farming, led by ground breaking research and informed by consumers. Thes waters looking toa What's in the stars on the future Automatic Marty.