Ross Huguet Documentaries(Believable, confident, storyteller, announcer)

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Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Your one stop documentary style voice. Sincere, believable and confident. Ross gets the message across in the most compelling way possible.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
just outside Montana's Glacier National Park at the height of the Cold War. Missile launch Officer Captain Robert Sallis is in charge of 10 nuclear weapons in the dead of night he receives an alarming phone call from a guard is mysteries at the National. It's Thursday evening before rampage qualifying, and Tom still has some unfinished business to attend to last day before qualifying. I have to hit everything today. He's practiced most of his line, but it leads into the 73 foot Canyon Gap, which remains to be hit by any of the riders. Tom Guinea pigs. The biggest gap in the course. With the final piece of the puzzle in place, it's time for Friday's qualifying. At the start of the season, Tom had a simple goal to qualify it rampage. But facing off with 25 of the world's top riders for 10 spots and ran age finals make this goal a difficult one. Her supervisor calls Michelle's cell phone. There's no answer. Then she remembers that Michelle went to the garage to get something from her car. She heads over there looking for Michelle. She knows that Michelle owns a brand new white Honda SUV show, but there's no sign of the car. Red lionfish are easy to spot on the reef. They're not supposed to be here, and yet they are everywhere. Lionfish are native to the Indo Pacific region and were accidentally introduced into the Atlantic more than 20 years ago. Today, this invasive species has upset the natural order of the marine ecosystem from Texas to the Bahamas. The legend says that Kate See native man named Slew Mac, arrives in town in the late 18 hundreds with gold nuggets the size of wallets. Accounts from the time say that on the gallows, he whispered a curse. Nika men lose mine members when I die, mind guys.